In the fast-paced world of news reporting, accuracy and reliability are paramount. At Samastipur News, we are committed to upholding these standards while delivering news that our readers can trust. Our Fact-Checking Policy is our guiding light, designed to ensure that every piece of information we publish is accurate, well-sourced, and verified. In this article, we will dive into the core principles that shape our commitment to delivering trustworthy news.
1. A Commitment to Due Accuracy
At Samastipur News, we recognize that due accuracy is essential to maintaining the trust of our audience. We define “due accuracy” as the level of precision appropriate for a given subject, ensuring that we take into account the nature of the content. This commitment to accuracy forms the bedrock of our reputation and readers’ trust. It’s our way of saying that we won’t compromise on delivering news you can rely on.
2. Sourcing and Corroboration
To maintain our commitment to accuracy, we adhere to stringent sourcing and corroboration standards. Every piece of content, as appropriate to its nature, is meticulously well-sourced and based on available evidence. We don’t shy away from acknowledging what we don’t know and steer clear of unfounded speculation. This dedication to rigorous research and fact-checking sets the stage for reliable news reporting.
3. Integrity in Reporting
Our journalists operate under a strict code of ethics. We unequivocally condemn plagiarism, deliberate distortion of facts, and the manipulation of visual information. Integrity is not negotiable in our newsroom, and we take pride in our unwavering commitment to presenting the truth, unadulterated.
4. Independent Verification
We go the extra mile to ensure the information we present is credible and unbiased. We seek independent verification, especially for claims, information, or allegations made by public officials or individuals with vested interests. Content that cannot be corroborated is attributed accordingly, fostering transparency and accountability.
5. Standing by the Truth
Samastipur News stands firmly behind the information we publish. If an error is identified, we act swiftly and decisively. Our commitment to accuracy means that we promptly correct factual errors, ensuring that our readers receive the most reliable and up-to-date information.
6. Open Dialogue with Our Audience
We believe that maintaining transparency requires a two-way street. Samastipur News welcomes feedback from our readers. If you spot inaccuracies or errors in our reporting, we provide a dedicated ‘Suggest A Correction’ section at the end of every web story. We value your input and are committed to addressing any issues that may arise promptly.
7. Fact-Checking Vigilance
Our fact-checking process is rigorous and multi-leveled. Stories undergo thorough review by one or more editors, and the seniority of the reviewing editor is determined by factors like complexity and sensitivity. This approach ensures that our content meets the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.
Correction Policies
While we continuously strive for excellence and accuracy, we acknowledge that errors can occur. When they do, we are proactive in addressing and correcting them to maintain transparency and uphold the highest standards of journalism.
For Readers
If you come across an error, we encourage you to contact our Editor-in-Chief, Emilee Wentland, directly via email at Please use the subject line “Correction Needed.” Your prompt communication is essential in initiating the correction process. Please include:
- The correction needed
- The issue date or number
- Where you encountered the error (print, online, etc.)
- Your name
- A phone number or email address for contact
- Correct information and a source (if applicable)
Please note that submitting a correction is a guarantee that the error will be thoroughly investigated.
For Samastipur News
Once notified, our Editor-in-Chief will promptly investigate the error using the provided information, meeting minutes, recordings, and other sources. If an error is found, we commit to correcting it across all platforms:
Corrections will be published on page 2A in the next issue, clearly denoting the issue, article, incorrect information, and the correction.
The article will be corrected, and an editor’s note will be added to the bottom, detailing the error and the date of correction.
Social Media:
If the article was posted on our social media channels, we will make a post linking to the corrected article, acknowledging the correction.
We will also keep you informed of the steps taken to address the error, ensuring complete transparency.